Soviet Army T-72AV Main Battle Tank

CHF 75.00

The T-72 series of MBT's which entered service in 1971 have since day one served as the workhorse of the Soviet AFs and other AFs around the world primarily Russia. Around 25000 have been built including the different variants. 

The T-72AV is a significant modernisiation that occured in 1985. The tank features an improved 125mm 2A46M gun fitted with thermal shield for improved accuracy. Additionally the fire control system was uprgraded with a new electronic package suite that improved gun stability. 

More iconically the tank is fitted with Kontakt-1 Explosive Reactive Armour (ERA) bricks around the front and side of the hull + turret to improve survivability against anti-tank weapons. 

Product Features: 

  • 650 pieces and instructions manual 
  • Fully rotating turret 
  • 1:35 Perfect scale for figs 
  • Dimensions: 27cm length x 10cm width x 11cm height 

*Figure and flag NOT included

All brick parts are made using high quality premium durable BPA Plastic components for excellent compatible bricks.

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