WW2 Japanese Type 98 Shi-Ke Tractor and Field Gun


In the early years of 1937 the Japanese Imperial Army was extremely eager to mechanise its mostly man and horse-powered land army. This lead to the development of the Type 98 Shi-Ke. This artillery tractor was capable of travelling upto 38km/h and had a carrying capacity of 1.8 metric tons. 

Despite its boxy appearance the tractor was both unarmed and featured not armour protection. Nonetheless it proved successful in its intended role of transporting artillery pieces like the Type 90/ 75mm field gun across the Chinese mainland and the Islands of the Pacific.

In total almost 800 units were produced for the Japanese Army

Product features:

  • 450 pieces and instructions manual 
  • x 3 Premium printed Japanese figs
  • x 1 Type 90 / 75mm Field Gun
  • Weapons and accessories 

All figures and brick parts are made using high quality premium durable BPA Plastic components for excellent compatible bricks.

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