WW1 French-Italian-German Field Guns


The French Canon de 65 M modele 1906 and the Italian Cannone da 149/35 A both entered service with their respective military's before the onset of WW1.

The Canon de 65 M modele was a mobile 65mm soft-recoil gun. The Cannone da 149/35 A, a notable 149mm artillery piece, tenaciously remained in service even during the fast moving era of WW2.

The German Empire 21 cm Mörser 10 (1910) fired a 211mm 114kg shell through its hydro-pneumatic gun barrel. It was used extensively by the German Imperial Army during WW1.

Product Features: 

  • Canon de 65 M modele 1906:  23 pieces and instructions 
  • Cannone da 149/35A: 119 pieces and instructions manual
  • Howitzer 21 cm Mörser 10 175 pieces and instructions manual 

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